avocado plants ile ilgili görsel sonucu

Avocado Production
Avocado, usually flat but sometimes clearly showing vertical development, evergreens 6-20 m. is a tree height.
Avocado fruit, fat content, compared to many other fruit species show superiority in terms of calories and protein per kg. 3 times the caloric value of bananas is 1-1.5 times the steak. 10-17% 1-2% protein in the structure of the oil, 1.5-2.0% sugar and 80% of total available water. Fat content is easy to digest it contains more unsaturated fatty acids, although higher and lowering the blood cholesterol level has an effect. Also 11 different vitamin content (A, B, and C and E) and 14 different minerals (iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc) available. Are an important food source in places where the locals grow naturally and "poor butter" is called.
Avocado leaves, oval, mızrağıms is ovoid or roundish or mixtures.

avocado plants ile ilgili görsel sonucu
Small, yellowish-green flowers occur in clusters end. Each flower similar in structure 3 each crown and sepals, 1 female bodies lined up sequentially with 2, 3, 9 of them functionally infertile male organ has a total of 12. A pair of nectar in the bottom of the inner part in the male organ (honey extract) has a pouch. Fully opened an avocado flower is 6-7 mm long, 1 cm wide.
Avocado fruits of different shapes, colors and sizes are. Fruit size varies between 200-600 grams. Fruits may be round, oval or pear. Shell color from light yellowish green to dark green, the brown chestnut color varies from purple to black. Shell surface can be smooth or rough. Flesh is pale yellow - greenish towards the shell is cream-colored. The flesh contains high amount of fat. Each fruit has a single core.
The pollination biology is quite different compared to many other fruits such as avocado.
Avocado and female flowers, although having the same time function as male organs, these organs would not. Flowers bisexual shows an opening order. Each flower is female stage when it first opened. Accepts pollen from another flower pistil At this stage, men's bodies are saçmaz pollen. This stage "Female Stage" is called. Then the flower closes, it remains closed at night, the next day the same flower opens again. This is a pistil pollen sacarina the male organs are no longer accepting opening. Blackened hills and stigma may have begun to dry. At this stage "early stage" is called. This state of the avocado flowers as scientific "Senkronoiz Dikoga my" is called. So maturation of male and female bodies in different times of the day but will always be at the same time.

avocado plants ile ilgili görsel sonucu
Avocado varieties are classified into 2 groups A and B type in terms of flower type.
Type the morning of the first day kind of female flowers are male stage in the afternoon the next day.
In the afternoon kinds of B-type female flowers on the first day, the next morning at an early stage.
Avocado fruit is a good scheme because of the opening of the flowers and the two sexual types A and B in order to get high yield varieties should be planted together.
Avocado can be reproduced by different methods. The most widely used method of commercial production is replication by vaccination.
In our country, the vaccines of cold avocado rootstocks with the amplification, lime-induced chlorosis and Mexico strains are more resistant to certain diseases seedlings are preferred.
Seeds, forming strong collapses, is taken from the tree, a kind of clean and cold resistance known from the disease. Seed should be sown immediately after removal from the fruit. Cutting the thin layer from the top and bottom of the seed coat removed before sowing, is treated with hot water to prevent certain diseases and germination of seeds fastens.
Also folding for 3-4 weeks seed to seed casing also provides an example of the output collapse.
4.5 to 7 ° C for a few months to keep the seeds in sand or sawdust if possible it is better to use fresh seed.
Just below the soil surface of the nose portion of the seed, a large portion of the bottom of each bag down on a seed is sown. Environment of seed 3: 1: 1 peat: sand: perlite is. Must have a pH of between 6.5-7.0 October made ​​environment. Intake of some nutrients in higher pH will be difficult to achieved a good seedling development.
Avocado tree seedlings can be done in accordance with existing facilities either directly in semi-shade or semi-shade environment in the greenhouse environment then initially. 2-2.5 years in semi-shade environment seedlings grown, then this time will be shortened by half beginning in the greenhouse cultivation in semi-shade environment.

avocado plants ile ilgili görsel sonucu
Depending on the environment in which they germinated seeds sown grown from 1 to 6 months. To emerging seedlings should be fertilized when they are 5-6 leaves. Disease should be carried out during the development of crashes and necessary fight against pests.
Crashes are grown from seed in the greenhouse after 5-6 months to be vaccinated state revenues. The tops of seedlings of 12-15 cm soil level. The cleft graft is cut out or whip grafting inoculated with British vaccine. Cuttings, çöğürl with the same thickness, the eyes are located on 3-4 exile. After vaccination, the vaccine be coupled with the link out of plastic and is applied on top of the cuttings grafting putty.
2-3 weeks after inoculation, the leaf stalks of grafts may occur as falls and riding. It's time rootstock shoots should be removed from the circuit. Pen shoots 10-15 cm from the time they are allowed access best growing shoots are cut from the bottom of the other items. Then the remaining shoots perpendicularly connected to a hereg and grow seedlings in a single housing is provided. Vaccine bonds should be 8-10 weeks after the inoculation.
Emerging seedlings to 3 weeks apart Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potasyum'l fertilization should be done. By the addition of iron chelates to provide seedlings showing the removal of iron deficiency deficiency. This circuit is made to be seen and necessary fight against harmful diseases.
Growth during the interval of 7-10 days seedlings watered. In the dry and hot summer days when the wind blows, irrigation interval can be further shortened.
In this way, the seedlings grown from seed can be planted in the garden becomes active after 1 year.
The seedlings growing in semi-shade environment, 1 year after vaccination have access to the seeds sown in the autumn thick.
Climate and soil conditions desired by site selection should be made taking into account the avocado. Avocado orchard will be established where not naturally protected from the wind breaking wind facility is essential.
The ground structure is also examined within the garden state, non-porous surface to a depth of 1.5-2 m, whether there are clay and hard layers and groundwater level must be determined. Ground water made ​​from 1.5-2 m in high places, indoor and outdoor drainage, ground water level should be reduced.
Terrain, the slope conditions and irrigation system to be applied according to soil preparation is done. Necessary leveling and terracing situation regarding the slope must be completed before planting.
Due to the brittle nature of avocado trees are very sensitive to the wind. In strong winds, large branch breakage occurs. Therefore, it is necessary to open field cultivation in wind plant wind breaks. Wind breaks should be established before as far as possible without establishing a garden.

avocado plants ile ilgili görsel sonucu
Selection of varieties in terms of resistance to cold avocado varieties that should be considered significantly different between the climatic characteristics of the accommodation establishment garden. Also dusting status of each cultivar, harvest, values ​​are considered as compliance with transport and trade.
Be given to the spacing of avocado varieties, soil structure varies according to the quality of the cultural practices and seedlings. However 7x7 m., 6x6 m or less spacing may be given. When planting in order to squeeze more efficiency must be kept under control by pruning trees.
Before planting, the land properly and the long side, and the range will be at least half the distance from the main line is drawn. Then a second line drawn perpendicular to the main line and spacing specified on this line are marked. Then the board is prepared for planting, other planting locations marked and still made ​​trilogies with planting board.
Planting hole depth according to soil structure and opens at least 60 cm deep. Filled with topsoil mixed with burnt manure pit. If the facility if the opening process of marking and place of planting planting planting hole should be made in the previous autumn.
Avocado trees are usually planted during the spring semester. Planting should be done in cold or in danger of getting up in mid-April is the month of March. In frost-free place can also fall planting.

avocado plants ile ilgili görsel sonucu
Avocado seedlings are usually grown in polyethylene bags. While sewing the bag is cut, cleaned scissors if you have curled roots, soil is placed into the pit without seedlings distributed. Roots planting pruning must be done by balancing the crown. Other level of the lower ground level of the seedlings is set to be 3-5 cm above the terrain level. Deep planting should be avoided. After planting, water the seedlings can be given and herekl is done.
Avocado seedlings must be protected against the burning sun of seedlings after planting they are grown in semi-shade environment. Strips of the first year seedlings of the environment, pike, palm branch, canopy cloth, etc. materials shadowing, type seedlings burning sun, it will protect against frost and low temperatures in winter. Fidan around a canopy, if not available, at least in the body of waterproof paper, etc. such as wrapping materials will be sufficient to protect seedlings against sunburn.
Young prevent the development of weeds around the avocado trees should be cleaned frequently. After each two irrigation cleaned by the weeds diameter.
Explicit and implicit processing of land lying in the garden yield is appropriate. During the summer months the garden is kept clean processed. In winter cover crops such as legumes can be taken.

avocado plants ile ilgili görsel sonucu
As with avocado citrus garden in deep soil treatment should be avoided. 2 after each watering during the summer months when the soil pan goblin came to disk, disk harrow, rotovator mixed with weeds and dig the soil with tools such as the feet. May also be preferable in view of reducing the use of soil treated with the herbicide injury of the roots.
Avocado seedlings, fertilization after planting should begin from the moment they first began to develop. Avocado is the most widely used fertilizers nitrogenous fertilizers. In young trees every year and increasing amounts of nitrogen fertilization should be done with caution. Fertilizers should not be in contact with the body of the young trees should be given to the crown projection of 20-50 cm from the body. Least every fertilizer application and controlled irrigation should follow.
Yield or nitrogen in the trees need the most is the attitude during flowering and fruiting. All nitrogenous fertilizers may be supplied with rainfall in February-May-June period February 2-3 times can be given.
Phosphorus and potash fertilizers is usually not necessary in the first year. 4. Since this year, triple super phosphate and potassium sulphate fertilizers such as trees can be shut down whether the band will be opened in the all-around crown projection of 10-15 cm depth, however, can also be given to the furnace units 4-6 will be opened in the crown projection.
October-November are the months of practice time.
In addition, a soil physical and manure around 2-3 tonnes per hectare every 3-4 years should be applied to improve the chemical structure.

avocado plants ile ilgili görsel sonucu
In determining the amount of fertilizer to be given to tree leaves and the best way is to make fertilizers according to soil analysis. The tree leaf samples of 4 different direction, from a height of 1.5-2 m, 5-7 months of fruitless spring mid-August that year exile period should be in the mid of October. 5 leaves taken from an area of 60-80 square meters is sufficient. Of soil analysis done before planting is helpful. According to the modeled soil structure analysis must be done in a way that represents the garden.
Field into the bowl or seedlings in the first year of avocado seedlings for each garden irrigation is done by giving water to the furrow. 7-10 days depending on the climate and soil structure seedlings should be watered enough to wet the root zone with an interval, over watering should be avoided.
With the start of the trees generally yield method is applied pans and furrow irrigation methods. Established in recent years that modern irrigation systems in some commercial avocado mini garden drip irrigation or sprinkler irrigation methods have been introduced. There are many advantages of this system. At the same time also allows the trees with irrigation and fertilizer application. Start and end dates of the onset of rain and irrigation is adjusted according to end date.
Avocados, they need more water in the July-August. Reveals intense fruit in this month if they are deprived of water spills.

Usually a systematic method for pruning avocado is not monitored. The first few years in order to ensure a balanced development of the crown, especially in varieties showing vertical development, plucked or cut ends of the shoots must be broken this trend. Little pruning except to cut the top part of the wishes of the young trees.
In yield or pruning trees; cultural process easier and less costly to operate, clean dry and voracious branches, severe periodicity (tree other years with little or no to making products give a year of products) to reduce, to facilitate the harvesting process, branches to prevent breakage and trees are applied in order to keep the height under continuous checks .
From 2-3 cm in pruning branches must apply the paste thicker cut-out place. The best time for pruning is February's development has not yet begun.

avocado plants ile ilgili görsel sonucu
Although it has many diseases and pests in the area of ​​cultivation of avocado pests and diseases in the world are relatively less because it is a new product in our country. Showing necessary fight against this disease and should be done in consultation with the person against harmful expert.
Some avocado varieties can connect fruit blossom in the second year. This will be helpful in terms of breaking the flower stronger development of the seedlings.
Depending on avocado fruits ripen at different times. In determining the ripeness of the fruit is the most important measure fat content. Determining the fat content can be made in the laboratory. The lowest fat content in the fruit to be harvested has been identified as 8% in some countries.
In recent years, determination of maturity of fruit easy, economical and practical method or as the water content of the total dry weight of fruit, was the most attractive criterion. In our country also has been found can be considered as a minimum maturity standard of 21% dry weight in studies.
Determination of maturity by looking at the fruits of my skin appearance can be detected. Purple fruit in color, when it starts to turn from green to purple; In the green fruit, of a yellowish ground color and the brightness of the reduction state of the shell can be considered to be the maturity of the fruit.
In addition, seed coat color and a reduction in some sort of commitment to the core of the fruit flesh is a sign of maturity. Fruit matures seed coat color from yellowish white, brown and seeds are separated from the revolving easy.
Fruit may remain on the tree long after accessing the harvest deaths. Would be collected only after softening. A non-ripe fruit is wrinkled and not tender.
Harvest fruits deaths to be plucked from the handle must then be shortened stalks with fruit scissors. If the fruit will rot over sessile plucked break.
Care must be taken that they are not necessary for the collection of fruit damage. Collected fruits are taken to a place in the shade garden, then packing in containers will not be fulfilled caps fruits. In our country, especially in remote markets not yet selected a large amount because it is not required to avocado production and exportation, sorting, packing house applications such as packaging is not done. Nevertheless, the fruit will rot in there and go to distant markets preferably between about 270-330 g, injury, there must be a symptom such as crushing. Fruits of these features is preferably packed in single-row carton. Overall into packaging containers 12, 15 may be 18 or 21 pieces of fruit.
Fruits 6-12 days at normal room temperature, 5 ° C softening of 30-40 days. Storage temperature varies according to the kind of 4-7 ° C can be specified together. At lower temperatures occur in fruits kept cold damage. Warehouse relative humidity should be 85-90%. Storage time is the longest 2 months.

avocado plants ile ilgili görsel sonucu
Avocado is mainly consumed as a fresh fruit salad. Shell between the core portion is assessed by fruit flesh. Some examples of food prepared avocado salad with avocado, avocado puree prepared with different products, avocado soup, avocado ice cream can be given.
Avocado is also used in the cosmetics industry; creams, soaps and shampoos are made.
Diseases and Pests
Although it has many diseases and pests in the area of ​​cultivation of avocado pests and diseases in the world are relatively less because it is a new product in our country. Showing necessary fight against this disease and pests should be done in consultation with subject matter experts to the people.

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